A beautiful end to summer and a great beginning to a colder, darker time of year kicking off "COOLEY Sings Elton John" on a grander scale with shows at Ilani Casino and Ridgefield Oktoberfest Beer Garten featuring COOLEY Show Band. Solo piano shows continue here and on the road, touring Oregon and California. The tours have become a great success as COOLEY Show expands and reaches new and repeat venues. And, one of the highlights of touring: I get to visit and catch up with long-time friends. I find that maintaining friendships is best done in person! I hope you all enjoy the changing season, from inner world to outer terrain.
If you missed any of my social media updates from September here are some of my favorites below.

'Ever seen such a huge cottonwood tree? Enjoyed my time downtime in SE Oregon — here I am at the Sodhouse Ranch next door to Malheur Wildlife Refuge.

With Linda and Brent Snyder at Lupke Center after Friday show = )
COOLEY Show September Week Show Update!

Two years ago — All Senior Picnic, Richland WA… croonin’ my life away...

A couple of music lovers at Heritage Estates in Livermore CA on tour last April. I’m headed back for a return performance Oct. 1st — they are a rowdy crowd to be sure! Leisure Care

Enjoying myself in concert at ilani Muze Lounge singing Elton John & Billy Joel. I'll be back to Ilani at Michael Jordans Steak House tomorrow (Sun.) on the baby grand from 4-8p.
Retirement.org Pacific Retirement Services
Cascade Manor Eugene, OR Cascade Manor Inc.
Rogue Valley Manor, Medford OR Rogue Valley Manor

From COOLEY spring tour 2019 — Oakland Bay Bridge — headed back to the bay area this weekend — Byron Park - A Kisco Senior Living Community Kisco Senior Living on Sat. and Rhoda Goldman Plaza Sun. (on Yom Kippur no-less!!!)

Mike the sound guy at Rogue Valley Manor in Medford after the show. Today I’ll be at the The Springs at Veranda Park in Medford, then it’s on to the bay area. It was 85 degrees here yesterday!
Having some fun at Crescent Park Senior Living in Eugene — video compliments of Christine Oliva - thank you Christine!
COOLEY Tour Update!